Sunday, February 12, 2012

Paper One Reflection

(Sorry this is late)

I feel that I explained one point pretty well, and another two points not so well. I found that I was mixing my information up, and didn't have clear separations in thought. Also neither my paper nor abstract were the required length, so I could have added more content for sure. I'm still having a hard time figuring out when to be concise and when to elaborate and I find myself assuming the reader can fill in the gaps. I do feel that I understood the article well, and knew exactly who my authors intended audiences is, I just failed to communicate that very well. One thing I'm going to do for next assignment is get an earlier start on it. When I had the time to sit there and think about my argument for a couple hours is when i figured out what exactly I was trying to write, but if I had started earlier I would have had more time to revise. Also next time I'm going to try and outline my argument better. During paper one I would come up with new points of argument in the middle of trying to explain something else and got off track and just kinda skimmed a couple different ideas in one paragraph. I have a feeling my grade isn't going to be too wonderful on this paper but hopefully I will be able to improve on my strengths and weaknesses from the first paper.

1 comment:

  1. These all sounds like great things to continue working on. A paper assignment can teach you all so much about these things. Remember to write at least 300 words for full credit--you're a bit short here.
